Friday, February 22, 2013

Bowling ball second pass.


  1. Looking a lot better Claire! It feels a lot more like a real bowling ball now! Few more notes: It feels like it has a ton of weight coming down, then it feels a little floaty on the last two bounces. I would have it bounce up a little faster and then give it a little more hangtime at its apex. You could let the second bounce be a little bit higher too. Once you have that going, show me again. You're almost there!!!

  2. looking at it again, I think what it is is that the path of action of the ball is a little bit too linear, meaning that when the ball travels from it's apex to the floor on some of the bounces, it doesn't make an arc. It just goes from the apex in a straight line to the ground. does that make sense? Anyway, just play around with some of these notes and see what looks best.
