Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ball Bounce (First Pass) - Meehea

1 comment:

  1. Shweeet first pass shme.

    The ping pong ball and the basketball are close, he bowling ball is definitely what needs the most work.
    The ping pong ball looks like it has some good arcs, but it seems like it's moving a little too fast. Slow it down a bit. The speed you have it bouncing at the beginning would be ok at the end, because that is kind of how they act. As the ping pong ball starts to bounce, it looks like it was dropped from like 5 feet or so, keep that in mind. It is actually going to fall at the same speed that the other balls would, it just reacts differently when it hits the ground.
    The b-ball is looking good. When the basketball comes down after the second bounce, it comes down a little bit fast. I like the last little change in direction touch you have! It needs a little lovin though, it doesn't feel quite right yet. Maybe let it roll a little longer at the end, and be really careful with the rotations, make sure it doesn't slide around.
    The bowling ball is a bit floaty. The amount and height of the bounces look good, but the timing is off, speed it up.

